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pgp key transition announcement and signify key announcement

august 13, 2021

Signature for this file by my old key

Signature for this file by my new key

Signature for this file by my signify subkey

pgp updates

I have just created a new PGP key, and will be transitioning away from my old one. The old key will not be revoked, but all my usage will switch to the new key (not that I do a whole lot other than sign emails :P).

My old key:

pub   rsa4096 2020-09-01 [SC]
uid           Alex 
uid           [jpeg image of size 6042]
sub   rsa4096 2020-09-01 [E]

My new key:

pub   rsa4096 2021-08-13 [SC]
uid           Alex 
uid           [jpeg image of size 4851]
sub   rsa4096 2021-08-13 [E]
sub   rsa4096 2021-08-13 [S] [expires: 2023-08-13]

The best method you can get the new key by is via Web Key directory:

gpg --locate-external-key alex@nytpu.com

Once keys.openpgp.org gets around to sending me the confirmation email (should be by tomorrow, 2021-08-14), then you'll be able to get it via that keyserver too:

gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 9F7D811EAE9F238B1296E0F583E911F04858FC28

I do not participate in the SKS keypools for a variety of reasons

moving a lot to signify

I'm switching my software signing and general file signing to use OpenBSD's Signify tool.

The key I'll be using for signing;

My main signify key

Confirmation signature from my GPG key

OpenBSD Signify

There is a portable version of signify that works on *nix rather than just BSD